Monday, September 5, 2016


Hello, Alonzo!

It has been a long time since I posted about you! I want to keep this blog alive, but I could not think of where to start since A LOT has happened since the last post! So, after much thinking, I decided I'll post about the day you were born. Why? Because giving birth to you is probably the greatest thing I have ever experienced! And because I do not want to forget that day.

So here it goes:

On January 4, 2016, you were almost 42 weeks and were overdue inside me. We went to our weekly check-up to ensure that you were still doing A-okay inside me. Dra. Flores, my OB-Gyne, said that we can still wait another 2-3 days or we can opt to try to induce labor since she was beginning to worry that you will get stressed from the tighter space inside and you might poop and eat it or some other things related to being overdue. Your Daddy and I told her that we'll think about it. We went home, ate lunch, and talked about our options. Eventually, your Daddy and I decided to induce labor. We were scared something might happen to you and we were also excited to see you already!!! So we packed the things we'll need in the hospital (I only packed your things weeks before), and headed to Philippine Children's Medical Center in Quezon Avenue, Quezon City.

At around 3:30 PM, I was brought to the Perinatal Center where the drug used to soften my cervix was placed inside me. After 30 minutes, I was brought to the room where Daddy was waiting for us. We ate dinner while watching TV Patrol and I was already feeling back pains. I did not know then that I was on labor already! I told the doctor doing rounds that I was experiencing back pains so she did an internal examination (IE). And well, the drug worked right away because I was 1 cm already! We felt so happy and excited! That meant that we were close to seeing you!

I was brought to the Labor Room around 5PM. Everything was happening so fast! My back hurt so much and I was already feeling contractions. It was so painful lying down so I sat up and did breathing exercises. It worked for some time. When I reached 5cm I couldn't stand the pain any longer. Your heartbeat was still strong so everything was still okay. You were pushing yourself out that was why everything was so painful. When I reached 6cm, I was given an Epidural Anesthesia and it helped relieved the pain for a while. The contractions were coming every minute and it was so painful I asked for more anesthesia. They told me the anesthesia was wearing off easily so they had to give me a higher dose. With that, I did not feel any pain in my abdomen during contractions. It went numb. But I felt the pain in my legs! I reached 8cm at around 2 AM on January 5, 2016. You were still pushing yourself out but still unsuccessful. We were closely monitored by Dra. Flores and the other resident doctors. At 3AM, I was still at 8cm and was in an enormous amount of pain! You were still pushing yourself out, but still unsuccessful. Dra. Flores said she will give us another hour. But then your heartbeat started to go down every time you pushed out. She explained that what was happening to you was a cause for alarm and since I was stuck at 8cm for so long meant that I would not be reaching 10cm. We had to do an emergency CS, she said. I agreed right away. They brought me to the Operating Room. I was awake the entire time they were doing the operation! I felt every force they placed on my abdomen to bring you out. Then at 4:43AM I heard you crying for the first time!!! IT WAS SO SURREAL!!! You were a healthy 2.8 kilogram baby boy!!! All the excruciating pain and tiring waiting were all worth it!!!  They showed you to me all bloody and crying then you were given to the NICU for cleaning. Then they closed me up and was brought to the Recovery Room where I woke up at 9AM. The first time I held you was in the afternoon of January 5, 2016. I was brought back to the room with Daddy. We went home on January 7, 2016 and life was never the same again!

So there you go! By the way, Daddy said he heard you crying for the first time, too! He was outside the Operating Room to give the consent form for the operation.

This is a short version of the day you were born. Now, you are a very playful, jolly 8-month old baby!



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