Sunday, September 20, 2015

Your First Movie!

Dear Alonzo,

Yesterday, we watched (well, you listened...) Heneral Luna in the theaters. It's a movie about one of the first generals of the Philippines. We believe it's your first movie in the cinema which you can hear! How was your experience, baby? I can feel you moving during some parts of the movie. Were you scared with the new sounds you heard? 

26 weeks pregnant with Alonzo

Look at how big you are! You are now 26 weeks and 2 days, my little boy! You are becoming stronger and stronger! I can feel your kicks and sometimes I am surprised at how strong they are! You also react to certain sounds the first time you hear them. One time, we listened to Mozart and when the first note sounded, you kicked! I am still amazed at how fast you are growing and developing! In less than 14 weeks, we will see you, little one! I hope you are doing okay in there! Hold on, baby! We love you very much!

P.S. It is 95 days before Christmas, Alonzo!



Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Hello, my little boy!

Dear Alonzo Mari,

You are now 25 weeks and 3 days old inside my "tum-tum"! "Tum-tum" is a word Daddy made up which refers to tummy. How are you, my little boy? I always love to know how you are doing inside my tum-tum. Every time your Daddy and I ask you that, we would feel a movement from you. We're guessing it's a kick. But whatever it is, it makes us feel extremely happy knowing that you are strong enough to let us feel that.

It was a little past ten last night and your Daddy and I were about to sleep when we saw blood coming out from me again. This, I think, is the 5th time that it has ever happened. But unlike the other incidences where it was brown, this time it was red (doctors say red is fresh blood and brown is old blood). I felt so frightened seeing blood again because this might cause pre-term labor. You might be forced to go out of Mommy Hotel before your designated check out date which can cause a lot of complications to you. And that, my baby, is something we never want to happen to you. Your Daddy and I rushed to Philippine Children's Medical Center to get you checked. We have done that before - rushing to the hospital because of bleeding - and the feeling never changes for your Daddy and I. We both cannot think properly because we are too scared something bad might have happened to you. Sometimes we cry and even blame ourselves because we might have done something which has caused the bleeding. Anyway, back to last night. After all the tests, the doctors finally concluded that everything is a-okay! You are perfectly fine. You were very malikot when the doctors were checking your heartbeat which surprised them. It made me feel proud to be the Mommy of the malikot kid.

But you know what Alonzo, sometimes I just want to be in the hospital. To stay there until you come out in December. You know why? Not only am I sure that we'll get the best care for you, but because I can hear your heartbeat, anak. When we were admitted 2 weeks ago for five days, the nurses checked your heartbeat every 4 hours. Your Daddy and I looked forward to those times, even at the wee hours of the night, just to hear your heart pumping life to that little body of yours. Sometimes we even heard some "wooosh" which are your movements. Last night they placed a fetal monitoring device on my tum-tum and I heard you for a whole 20 minutes. It was music to my ears, Alonzo. The best music. It seemed like I can feel you in my arms and kiss you with my lips.

We cannot wait to see you, Alonzo! But don't hurry up. You still need to stay in Mommy Hotel for at least 12 weeks more! We love you, anak. We hope and pray that you will always be healthy and strong!

